May 19 2008

Senior Exhibition Spring 2008


Mar 30 2008

Spring 2008 at UCI


These are the classes I’m enrolled in for spring… classes start tomorrow yay


Mar 30 2008

Ok so I haven’t posted in a while…

My mom is now retired… No more driving the bus.


Also… today my dad put up a flagpole in our front yard.

We are now proud true Americans. I think he’s going to add a light tomorrow so we can fly it at night.

Our little flag thing that hung off the side of the house right there broke… so having a real flagpole only made sense, right?

I like it.

Ok and here’s a picture of me from this morning. I’m so rad.




Jan 18 2008


1-17-08 (24)

Miffy lives in a fishbowl – today she has glowing underpants on. O_0


1-17-08 (10)

This "boot" lives in my bedroom. It’s some sort of vintage pin cushion thing.

Today it found itself exploring the garden.

Jan 17 2008

I haven’t updated in a while


This artist can be found on FECAL FACE

There’s more on there, it just reminded me of some art we looked at in my artists as writers class: artists that use text in their works.

All of my classes are reading writing classes. Its so terrible. Its kind of funny that I like the artists as writers class the best so far because we don’t have to write crappy, dull, boring, studious writings.

