Spring 2008 at UCI
These are the classes I’m enrolled in for spring… classes start tomorrow yay
Ok so I haven’t posted in a while…
My mom is now retired… No more driving the bus.
Also… today my dad put up a flagpole in our front yard.
We are now proud true Americans. I think he’s going to add a light tomorrow so we can fly it at night.
Our little flag thing that hung off the side of the house right there broke… so having a real flagpole only made sense, right?
I like it.
Ok and here’s a picture of me from this morning. I’m so rad.
I haven’t updated in a while
This artist can be found on FECAL FACE
There’s more on there, it just reminded me of some art we looked at in my artists as writers class: artists that use text in their works.
All of my classes are reading writing classes. Its so terrible. Its kind of funny that I like the artists as writers class the best so far because we don’t have to write crappy, dull, boring, studious writings.