Mar 5 2012

Subaru STi



Refer to blog entry on October 23, 2008….

I finally traded in my 2008 Scion xB for a 2008 Subaru Impreza WRX STi, see above pictures! These were taken at work today. I bought it last night at Subaru of El Cajon. I have to say that the Subaru dealers have changed since Jimison worked at South Coast Subaru… This one was a bit trashy…. You couldn’t even tell it was a Subaru dealer because all the trad-ins were parked out front… They had one 5 door STi on the lot… The one I bought. Hah.

Anyway, I’m super stoked to finally get my STi!!!

I just need to upgrade the exhaust and get a BOV for it.

Nov 11 2011


I have a yorkie named Datsun! I got her in July. She’s so adorable and spunky. She’s about 7 months old now and so super smart!


May 5 2011


I bought a condo in Murrieta!

Jan 4 2010

Christmas 2009 in PECK!!

Christmas 2009

Jun 5 2009

Visit A New Place

The Wagon Wheel Orchard is a small family-owned and operated orchard situated on the California and Oregon trails in western rural Johnson County, Kansas, specializing in variety! It is a spectacular “pick-your-own” orchard filled with an amazing variety of delicious fruits and a field of vegetables including asparagus, pumpkins, gourds & sweet corn! Not to mention the variety of activities for your whole family, school, daycare, or organization to enjoy!

As of Spring 2008 , there are over 1,000 trees and plants of over 150 varieties of fruits, vegetables, nuts, berries, herbs, and other plants, many antique and heirloom varieties, including the following:

  • 133 varieties of Apples, Apricots, Cherries, Peaches, Pears, Plums
  • Asparagus, Beans, Gourds, Melons, Pumpkins, Squash, Sweet Corn, Tomatoes, Zuchinni
  • Almonds
  • Gooseberries, Black & Red Raspberries, Strawberries
  • Basil, Dill, Horseradish, Lavender, Oregano, Parsley, Rosemary, Sage, Thyme
  • Broom Corn, Willows