
I’d like to get a new Macbook Pro — This one in particular.


  • Intel Core 2 Duo
  • 15-inch widescreen
  • 4GB Memory
  • 320GB hard drive1
  • NVIDIA GeForce 9400M + 9600M GT with 512MB
I’m also hoping to get this display at some point so that I can make the switch to only having a laptop. This is an amazing display because its 24″ LED backlit, and it acts as a second monitor. It has a cable coming from it that you plug into your laptop which supplies power, usb, and of course the DisplayPort connection. Just simply amazing. 

And a Subaru STi, 2007 model. I don’t like the 2008s… 
Like this one… it’s just so pretty. 



AND! I can’t wait to move to Lawrence, KS. It will be an adventure. And I’ll get a cat to keep me company. 
I’ll be done with school at UCI this quarter, which ends it December. I’ll be walking in June and then moving. I can’t wait to go. I’ll miss it here, but It will be a good place to visit for
vacations and stuff.
I cant wait for and